Get Connected

Treehouse Kids
The Treehouse is a safe, fun environment for children (Birth - 5th Grade) to learn and experience God's love and God's Word through age appropriate lessons and activities with approved leaders who have passed a Background check.
​Treehouse begins at 10 am each Sunday.
Red Tree Students
At Red Tree we want to design environments and experiences specifically for every stage of life. The Middle School, High School and College years are incredible years of fun, friendships and growth in your relationship with God.
Each week students gather in Small Groups plus experience incredible events like Passion Camp, Retreats, Lock-Ins, Road Trips throughout the year.

Young Adults
At the heart of Young Adults is the thing that we are rooted to, and that is Jesus. We believe in being authentic and true. But really we are just like you. We are a group of Young Adults form ages 18-29 trying to learn how to love deeper, live with a purpose, and to follow Jesus
Join us Sunday afternoon at the home of Bryan and Renata Chavez.
Small Groups
The best place to get connected at Red Tree is in a small group. Small groups are an opportunity to meet people, build friendships, study the Bible together, ask questions, encourage each other and help each other grow. For a list of small groups click here:

Women's Ministry
Red Tree ladies are intentional about strengthening our relationship with our Father and building relationships with each other. We do this through a variety of fellowship activities such as retreats, tea parties, Bible studies, service opportunities, walks in the park, etc. We desire to support and strengthen each other through encouragement, prayer, friendship and lots of laughter.
Please contact Rachel Evans for more info at
Serve Teams
You have a place and a role in God's Story. As followers of Jesus we are to follow Jesus example of serving others. Serving is an important part of growing to be living like Jesus and being a part of God's Body - the Church. Red Tree SERVE teams serve once every four Sundays to lead on our welcome teams, set up teams and kids ministry teams.
In addition to being a part of SERVE teams there are opportunities to serve as a part of the Red Tree worship and tech teams or in the community by clicking on the link Make a Difference. For more information or to sign up for a SERVE team email