The best place to get connected at Red Tree is in a small group. Small groups are an opportunity to meet people, build friendships, study the Bible together, ask questions, encourage each other and help each other grow. For more info email
Sunday mornings beginning October 27 at Red Tree Church
Breakfast: 8:45 Study 9 am
Current Study: Gratitude
Every other Sunday night at Shelton's home (5-6:30 pm)
35 Jack’s Cabin in Defiance
Current Study: Bait of Satan
Contact Stacy (314-616-9609)
Every other Sunday night at Chavez's home
16615 Haiston Ln in Chesterfield
Young Adults Group
Contact Bryan (636-448-3744)
Every Wednesday night at Red Tree Church (6-7:30 pm)
Youth Group (Middle & High School Students)
Prayer Group
1st & 3rd Wednesdays at LINC (4-6 pm)
Food Pantry Groups
Contact Rick (636-696-5555) or Rachel (314-650-2125)
1st Saturday of the month at Rotating Homes (8-9:30 pm)
Women’s Group
Current Study: He Speaks to Me
Contact Lauren (636-795-7295) or Stacy (314-616-9609)